When it comes to YouTube, one of the largest video platforms, surely it is not strange to everyone. However, some disadvantages of this platform make viewers quite uncomfortable such as advertising, turning off the music when the screen is off… Therefore, YouTube Vanced APK was born to help users overcome these things. So, what is YouTube Vanced, and how does it work? Let’s read on to get the answer!
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About YouTube Premium
Watch YouTube without Ads!What is YouTube Premium?
YouTube Premium is an application with the same way of working as YouTube or a popular enhanced version of YouTube on smartphones/tablets using the Android operating system. YouTube released YouTube Red APK, a version that costs about $11.99 a month with features such as supporting users to listen to music when the screen is off, playing background music, blocking ads, and other helpful features. Then YouTube Premium was created by Vancedapp as a twin version but completely free.
Below are some outstanding features of YouTube Premium.
No interruptions by ads
The biggest and obvious difference that you can see between the original YouTube and YouTube Premium, is the ad-blocking feature. While YouTube always annoys viewers by inserting too many ads and interrupting the video, YouTube Premium will give you a smooth experience without causing any barriers. If you read this far, surely if you are an addict to YouTube, you will be very happy. Of course. Who wants to be interrupted while watching a movie or an MV?
Adjust volume and brightness quickly
With this feature, you can adjust the sound and screen brightness easily. Swipe up/down on the right to increase/decrease the volume, and on the left to increase/decrease the brightness on the screen. Now you do not have to use any hard keys or drag the notification bar. However, when you first install the application, this feature will be hidden. Therefore, you need to activate it to use it. Turn on the sound and brightness adjustment feature by going to Settings => Advanced Settings, then clicking on Wipe Controls, then activating the first two lines. Note that this feature is only supported when you watch videos in landscape.
Listen to music when the screen is off
Currently, one of the weaknesses of YouTube is that it does not support the feature to play a sound when the phone screen is off. If you use YouTube to listen to Podcasts or some audio content, even when you don’t want to watch videos, you must turn on the screen, which inadvertently causes the battery to decrease very quickly. Do not worry, this problem can be completely solved by YouTube Premium. This feature is super convenient and helps to save your battery most optimally.